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Home2019 Official Canoe Weigh In Data

On April 14, 2019 canoes were weighed by MCHCA officals. The official weight sheet is available by clicking the canoe name.

Results showed that canoes were under, at, or over the 400# HCRA weigh requirement.

The table below shows the total measured and adjusted weight, including hoop clips, seat weighs and added rails. Seat weight positions are shown with the following color code:
  • Black - weights that were in the canoe during weigh in and included in the adjusted weight.
  • Red - weights in the canoe during weigh in but removed afterward
  • Green - weights added to the canoe after the weigh in
Some canoes with seat weights were over the 400# minimum. Per our MCHCA official Ben, some weights were removed or re-positioned to make the canoe weigh exactly 400#. Where this was done, the red number was the original weight and the green number shows the new weight.

Canoe Adjusted Weight (#) Seat & Weight (#)
1 2 3 4 5 6
KU KOA MANUTEA 414 - - - - - -
MANU KAI 392 - - 4 4 - -
KAEHUKAIOPUA 391 - 3 - / 5 - / 4 - -
NA KUPUNA O KE KAI 402 - 4 4 5 - -
HOKUALII 401 - - / 3 4 / 5 5 / 3 3 / - -
HOKULOA 401 - - - - - -
HOKUPA`A 400 - 2 4 4 - -
WAIAKOA 403 - - 5 / 3 4 / 3 - -
HANAIAKAMALAMA 398 - 2 3 3 - -
HOKU HOOKELE WAA 392 - 2 - / 4 - / 4 - -
LELE MANU KAIKO`O `ELUA 396 - - / 3- 4 3 / 4 - -

Note: Race rule restriction: Add weigths under seats 2, 3, 4, 5 with no more than 5#/seat

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Kihei Canoe Club • P.O. Box 1131 Kihei, HI 96753 • 808-879-5505